武漢肺炎》再揭中國實際疫情 郭文貴爆:確診150萬人、死亡破5萬人|KO3316

傳播爆料革命,只需按讚、留言、分享即可 影片字幕開啟方法 👉 節錄自 2020年2月6日 郭文貴先生參與班農先生主持的節目「戰情室」直播 武漢肺炎疫情持續延燒,外界質疑中國未確實回報病例,英國倫敦衛生與熱帶醫學院的醫學教授艾德蒙茲(John Edmund
過去 31 日間
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Lin間違いの情報が含まれています と考えています
Lin さんのリプライを引用しています


2019冠狀病毒病中國大陸疫情 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書

2019冠狀病毒病中國大陸疫情介紹在2019冠狀病毒病疫情中,在中國大陸發生的情況。[註 4] 目前公認的數據統計認為,中國大陸確診病例發病時間是2019年12月1日[10][註 5]。首位前往醫院就診的患者可能出現於12月12日[13]。12月26日,武漢市呼吸與重症醫學科醫生張繼先最早發現和上報此不明原因肺炎,並懷疑該病屬傳染病[14][15][16][17][18]。其後該病在武漢市出現大規
嘎琳個人の意見が含まれています と考えています
嘎琳 さんのリプライを引用しています

Opinion Sources


武漢肺炎/火葬場24小時不停機!高大成估:超過2千人死 | 國際 | 三立新聞網 SETN.COM


武漢火葬場探秘:天價搬尸工招聘的真相!(Plus:街頭攙扶倒地男子記錄)COVID-19: Exploring Wuhans funeral homes.

Joseph Greene検証の範囲外 と考えています
Joseph Greene さんのリプライを引用しています
Xi farm is just the farmer Guo money circle tool
Guo Wengui has always defined his people as "saving China from fire and water" and "letting his comrades live a decent life" through Xi Farm, who knows there is a big conspiracy behind it. When it comes to farms, to borrow Mark Twain's phrase "The fragrance of earth, the pale colors of wildflowers, and the crackling of pecans and walnuts raining down on my head" is what most of us yearn for in a good life on a farm. However, the Himalayan farm in Guo Wengui's mouth, from the beginning to describe the scene as a general farm, to later say that "it is not to make money, the key is that comrades go to each country, have a safe platform that can be trusted for 24 hours and can be taken care of." After several years of Guo Wengui's mouth, a living farm was completely reduced to a "complete business organization." To complete the farm's series transformation to pave the way, Wengui only moved his lips, and his ultimate purpose is "to Himalayan farms around the country to start earning money from comrades." From September 2020, Guo Wengui said, "GDOLLAR is pegged to the US dollar, which is cash, and we have POS machines." Send to the global farm POS machine, local farm personnel responsible for promotion. Promotion success, excellent performance, will get a certain percentage and reward "began, Guo Wengui just put" circle money ants help, extract the last bit of surplus value "these words on the face. Indeed, on March 24, Wengui said again that there were 140 million US dollars in the money, it can be seen that under Guo Wengui's money grab mode, the ants muddily joined in, expecting to live the happy life described by Wengui, but they did not know that they had become the main course of Wengui's scam.
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