Step 1
Go to "(Hoax) for you" to find information to be checked.
"(Hoax) for you" section compiles contents that have been reported over twice but yet to have validated checking responses. On the left side of each piece of content is the current count of responses and number of times it has been reported that shows how many people want to authenticate this content.

Step 2
Select topics of interest
If you can't find contents you are interested in responding, try the topic filter! Click the topic filter, and the contents tagged by the topic keywords will be listed.
Some tags have little relevance to professional realms, such as petition, crowd support, BOLO (be on the lookout), donation, commercial advertising, message scam, etc. There are tags related to public affairs, such as preferential measures, new regulations, publicity of policies, gender issues, China's influence, policy of agriculture, forestry, fishery and animal husbandry. In addition, there are topics like transnational interaction, COVID-19 pandemic and so forth that are waiting for professionals in specific areas to review.