AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk would like to invite you to AIT for a U.S. citizen town hall on Thursday, January 27th from 4 - 5 pm. This will be Director Oudkirk’s first U.S. citizen town hall. Director Oudkirk will answer your questions and discuss AIT’s role in promoting U.S.-Taiwan relations. We will also tell you more about the services we provide for U.S. citizens.

When: Thursday, January 27th at 4 pm. Please arrive between 3:20-3:50 pm.

Where: Enter through the Main Entrance at 100 Jinhu Road, Neihu District, Taipei City.

(not the American Citizen Services/Butterfly Pavilion entrance)

* No parking is available in the AIT compound, but there are several public parking lots in the vicinity.

Who: All U.S. citizens are invited, so tell your friends!

This event will be off the record. No filming or recording allowed.

How: Please RSVP for the Town Hall by Friday, January 21st to [email protected] as space is limited. A U.S. passport will be required for entry. U.S. legal permanent resident (LPR) attendees must accompany a U.S. citizen family member to enter. In your email reply, please include your full name as shown on your U.S. passport and the full names of all accompanying LPR family members. Your will be required to provide an attestation that you are fully vaccinated before entering AIT. A vaccine attestation form will be sent to you by email when we receive your RSVP.

We look forward to seeing you on January 27th!

Note: The timestamp on this e-mail message may reflect Washington, D.C., time, which may differ from local time.

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