To whom it may concern

I am fiancee to dr Akemi currently working at your station in Yemen..
I want to plead with the holiday office of the World Health Organization to please grant Dr Akemi a three weeks vacation to come over to Japan as her son is so sick right now and the Doctor has requested for Akemi presence because her son needs an urgent blood transfusion and they will not proceed with his treatment without the presence of Akemi
This is very important for us right now as her son is almost laying lifeless in the hospital and in need of urgent blood transfusion.I will be very grateful if this request is granted.

過去 31 日間
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這則訊息中有幾個地方可能需要閱聽人特別留意或懷疑: 1. 訊息中提到的寄件人自稱是某位醫生的未婚妻,但未提供具體姓名或聯絡方式,這可能讓人懷疑其真實性。 2. 訊息中提到的世界衛生組織(World Health Organization)的假期辦公室,但通常組織內部的請假程序可能不會透過這樣的方式進行。 3. 訊息中描述了一個緊急情況,聲稱醫生要求某位員工親自前往進行血液輸注,這樣的情況可能需要更多的證明或程序。 4. 訊息中未提供具體的醫生姓名、醫院名稱或病人資訊,這可能使得訊息的真實性難以確認。 閱聽人需要謹慎對待這樣的訊息,並在確認真實性之前不要隨意提供個人資訊或採取行動。
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