#莫德納 #BNT #mrna #疫苗物質 #專家解說

Karen Kingston 博士是輝瑞前員工、醫藥營銷專家和生物技術分析師。 在 Stew Peters Show 中,金士頓發現這些mRNA實驗性注射針劑中含有奇怪,不應該有的物質(傳統疫苗沒有的物質),有 4 項醫學技術專利,其中包含磁鐵、(由氧化石墨烯製成的)碳納米管)、納米圓盤(多西紫杉醇 = 降低免疫系統)。 您體內的醫療系統 = “電腦操作介面,和 智能應用程序”,可以追踪您的社交網絡和活動,釋放藥物、基因產品, 利用 生物標誌物( =生化產品進入生物標誌物等。) US10703789B2(注意看摘要和第201條,輸送系統,無時間限制。它和另2個專利US20100216804A1和US20200201859A1有關)

Moderna mRNA專利中表示它是“電腦操作系統”和“無時間限制傳送系統” https://patents.google.com/patent/US10703789B2/en?oq=US10703789 

Moderna mRNA專利中的另4項專利如下:
(1) https://patents.google.com/patent/US20100216804A1/en (查看 0046、0074)  (2)  https://patents.google.com/patent/US20120265001A1/en (3) https://patents.google.com/patent/US20130251618/en      (4)  https://patents.google.com/patent/US20200201859A1/en

US20100216804A1 - Long Circulating Nanoparticles for Sustained Release of Therapeutic Agents - Google Patents

The present disclosure is directed in part to a biocompatible nanoparticle composition comprising a plurality of non-colloidal long circulating nanoparticles, each comprising a α-hydroxy polyest


US20120265001A1 - Composite magnetic nanoparticle drug delivery system - Google Patents

A composite magnetic nanoparticle drug delivery system provides targeted controlled release chemotherapies for cancerous tumors and inflammatory diseases. The magnetic nanoparticle includes a bi


US20130251618A1 - Method for making semiconducting single wall carbon nanotubes - Google Patents

A method for making semiconducting single walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) includes providing a substrate. A single walled carbon nanotube film including a plurality of metallic SWCNTs and semic


US20200201859A1 - Time-series data storage and processing database system - Google Patents

A database system is described that includes components for storing time-series data and executing custom, user-defined computational expressions in substantially real-time such that the results

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