Dr. Richard Fleming: Pfizer Vaccine Causes Blood Clots Under Microscope
"Add the Pfizer vaccine and the red blood cells lose their oxygen carrying capacity and the red blood cells start to clot...
This is exactly what we are seeing with the VAERS reporting. This is exactly what we are seeing with neurologic harm, with cardiac harm, with blood clots occurring in the body.
This is proof positive that these vaccines cause this type of damage under the microscope just by simply being added to the blood of a human being... 理查德弗萊明博士:輝瑞疫苗在顯微鏡下導致血栓。 「加入輝瑞疫苗,紅細胞失去攜氧能力,紅細胞開始凝結......
這正是我們在 VAERS 報告中看到的。這正是我們所看到的神經系統傷害、心臟傷害和體內發生的血凝塊。
這證明這些疫苗在顯微鏡下只是通過簡單地添加到人類的血液中就可以造成這種類型的損害...... https://rumble.com/voalls-dr.-richard-fleming-pfizer-vaccine-causes-blood-clots-under-microscope.html
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假的,此為反疫苗的陰謀論。文中的Richard Fleming是被定罪的重犯,內布拉斯加州的一個聯邦大陪審團於 2007 年 1 月 18 日對Richard M. Fleming 醫生提出起訴,指控其犯有十項醫療保健欺詐罪以及三項郵件和電匯欺詐罪。醫療保健欺詐罪指控 Fleming 於 2002 年向保險公司提交賬單,用於醫療程序、診斷性心臟測試。FDA 依據聯邦法律認定 Fleming 犯有兩項涉及欺詐的重罪,並不適宜相信他片面的陰謀論。





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