海鷗可以殺死鯨魚 別被溫馨畫面騙了 #LINETODAY

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"According to the researchers, the number of mothers and calves with lesions on their backs from these seagull attacks have increased from two per cent in the 1970s to 99 per cent in 2011."



Seagulls are eating baby whales ALIVE

They are already considered to be pests in many seaside towns but it seems seagulls are far more than just a nuisance in the ocean - they are killing whales.Researchers have found that the birds are a


Seagulls are eating baby whales ALIVE

They are already considered to be pests in many seaside towns but it seems seagulls are far more than just a nuisance in the ocean - they are killing whales.Researchers have found that the birds are a


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