🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦Canada 🚦
New regulation for Canadian drivers (you must read)💸💰💵

🔳Not carrying driver’s license: $250

🔳After 6 days without a change of new address with MTO: $230

🔳Driving without insurance cause an accident: $ 5000 and license suspended for 5 years

🔳 Through a red light: $ 900

🔳Crossing two solid yellow lines : $500

🔳Turn, U-Turn and turn violation: $350 🔁

🔳Speeding (from 1-15km over): $250

🔳Speeding (from 16-25km over): $450

🔳Driving too slow 🐢: $399

🔳 Fail to Full stop at Stop Sign ⚠: $270

🔳Passing School bus 🚌 when lights are flashing: $885

🔳Holding and or using the 📱cell phone while driving (1st time): $1000
Driving license suspended 3 years

🔳Parking in Bus Lane or Zone 🚌: $900

🔳Fail to turn on head lights (30 minutes) before dark: $200

🔳 Tint too dark on door glass: $199

🔳Failing to wear seat belt: $200

🔳👶👦👧Children not wearing seat belts or not in accordance with Highway traffic act: $599

🔳Car pool Lane violation: $505

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根據這則訊息,有幾個地方需要特別留意或懷疑: 1. 訊息的來源:這則訊息並未提供任何來源或官方機構的資訊,因此我們無法確定這些交通新例是否真實存在。 2. 金額和處罰:這則訊息列出了各種違規行為的罰款金額,但我們無法確定這些金額是否準確,因為沒有提供相關法律或官方資料的來源。 3. 國家和地區:這則訊息聲稱是加拿大的新交通規定,但我們無法確定這些規定是否適用於其他國家或地區。 總結來說,這則訊息缺乏可靠的來源和官方資訊支持,因此閱聽人應該持懷疑態度,並在確認相關資訊之前不要輕易相信或傳播。
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