Take note:-

China announced from 1/6, China terminates WeChat and WeChat pay service for all iPhone users. iPhone will lose China phone market.

Portugal Aptoide join Huawei Hongmeng totally eclipsed Android & Google, Intel, Yilinx & Broadcom. Qualcomm break rank with Trump, wanted to continue supplying Huawei. Huawei Hongmeng chips already replace all USA made chips. Announcement in next 2 weeks. Worldwide Ramifications. Trump can attack all phone makers in China. China will be replacing all USA made chips & Google Android. Taiwan chipmakers told Trump to fuckoff. China will not negotiate any trade deal with USA until Trump is replaced in 2020. Moscow is 100% behind Huawei & Huawei will install 5G for Russia, sooner than Europe. Trump, Bolton & Pompeo shot themselves in their groin, worse than their foot. Next two S & P 500 will drop like a hot potatoe.

Philanthropist Li kaShing, and C C Wei, CEO of TSMC(world’s largest Semiconductor foundry) have come out to support Huawei. This may be the start of more support coming from wealthy overseas Chinese. You may not learn about this in the western press. It’s in discreet Chinese forums. The beginning of Chinese go(weiqi) to surround the trouble maker.
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另外謠言傳 5 月 21 日華為創始人任正非與騰訊董事長馬化騰在香港會晤結束後發布,但實際上不可能。根據蘋果日報的報導,當天馬化騰人在雲南與雲南省政府公佈合作計劃,下午親身致辭;而華為創始人任正非在華為深圳總部接受媒體聯訪,評論華為受美國封殺事件,並沒有所謂的在香港會晤。




由於中美關係的時事,網傳「中國反制!中澳港台蘋果手機 6月起無微信」的訊息與相關圖片,內容描述騰訊將封殺蘋果,說 iPhone 將在 6/1 開始無法使用微信和支付服務。事實上這是謠言訊息,除了路透社並沒有報導這樣的消息外,這樣重大的消息,對此騰訊、Apple 都沒有相關的官方說明,謠言假圖片描述的馬化騰和任正非也沒有這樣的會談,真的純屬謠言一則囉! iPhone微信禁用的謠言 原始謠傳版


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