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This is Dr. Peterson Pierre with America's frontline doctors bringing you today's frontline flash. So last year, some researchers from Spain, the Pfizer vaccine has a high level of graphene oxide. So for those of you who don't know graphene oxide is something that's derived from graphite. And it's a known toxic material. When they looked at the vaccine itself, they found that it contains 747 nanograms of graphene oxide, which translates to more than 90
9% of the material in the vaccine is graphene oxide. Why is this bad? Well, we know it's toxic. We know it's toxic to the liver, to the kidneys. We know graphene oxide can also cause granulomas in the lungs. We know this based on animal research. So this is terrible. We also know that the body has a hard time getting rid of the graphene oxide once it's inside those
tissues. And to sweeten the pot. They've also found that the masks certain masks have a certain amount of graphene oxide in them. And even the swabs used for the PCR tests have graphene oxide, regardless of whether or not those shots work. And of course, we know they don't. They're actually poisoning you with a toxic material that your body has a hard time getting rid of. And
icing on the cake. The symptoms that are caused by graphene oxide are very similar to the symptoms caused by COVID. Hello, hello, ladies and gentlemen, the real news of right now continues on the next frontline flash.
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