Hi I'm Mark, the Director of Facebook. Hello everyone, it seems that all the warnings are real. Facebook use will cost money. If you send this string to 18 different from your list, your icon will be blue and it will be free for you. If you do not believe me, tomorrow at 6 pm Facebook will be closed and to open it you will have to pay. This is all by law. This message is to inform all our users that our servers have recently been very congested. We are asking for your help to solve this problem. We require that our active users forward this message to each of the people in your contact list in order to confirm our active facebook users. If you do not send this message to all your facebook contacts, then your account will remain inactive with the consequence of losing all your contacts without the transmission of this message. Your SmartPhone will be updated within the next 24 hours, will have a new design and a new color for the chat. Dear Facebook users, we are going to do an update for Facebook from 23:00 p.m. until 05:00 a.m. on this day. If you do not send this to all your contacts, the update will be cancelled. You will not have the possibility to chat with your facebook messages. You will have to pay the rate unless you are a frequent user. If you have at least 10 contacts, send this SMS and the logo will turn red to indicate that you are a user Confirmed ... We finish it for free. Tomorrow they start to collect the messages for facebook at 0.37 cents. Forward this message to more than your 9 contacts and it will be free for life for you. Watch and the ball will turn green. Do it and you will see Facebook is now free. Send to 10 people to reactivate your service again without cost.

過去 31 日間
0 回のレビューがあります
この情報に 2 件のリプライがあります
Lin間違いの情報が含まれています と考えています
Lin さんのリプライを引用しています
這是以報導假新聞為職、但又採用嚴謹新聞格式的世界新聞周刊(Weekly World News,WWN)在周末的報導。




天阿!Facebook將於3月15日關閉?這是假消息不要被騙了!這是以報導假新聞為職、但又採用嚴謹新聞格式的世界新聞周刊(Weekly World News,WWN)在周末的報導「全球最大社交網站Facebook將於3月15日關閉」,雖然大部分的人一看就是個惡作劇,但還是有不少的人被騙一再的轉發出去,甚至傳到台灣更被加油添醋,不轉發出去就會被刪除FB帳戶,還真的有使用者相信傳給15個朋友,讓人哭

Rosalind間違いの情報が含まれています と考えています
Rosalind さんのリプライを引用しています
Facebook 只有下廣告部分才需要付費。一班使用都是免費的。



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