Good afternoon, just to alert everyone that Emergency Department (ED) Hospital Pulau Pinang had seen total 4 cases where patients were treated in redzone after taking an instant coffee called 'Durian White Coffee'.

We had already reported this matter to JKN Bahagian Keselamatan Makanan & Pharmacy Enforcement Side, investigation process just started. This message is not meant to defame any company/brand but just to alert all ED doctors to watch out for similar presentation.

All the 4 patients presented with sympathomimetic toxidromes (very high BP, tachycardia, dilated pupils, sweating, restlessness). 2 patients (both are friends, drank the same product, one of them had multiple ST depressions on ECG) were admitted to medical ward on 27/1/18. Another 2 patients (both are colleagues, drank the coffee at work) presented to ED today.
過去 31 日間
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