

WHO manager
07:31 pm
I have put in great effort for her, and she has also used very, very, very many
precious materials to achieve her current chest condition. If it were not for
the condition of interlobular fibers that did not increase in size, her current
chest condition could exceed 95% of people in this world!
07:33 pm
I can tell that you are very devoted and dedicated to her breasts, so I wish
you success in advance
07:33 pm
Thank you! By the way, how should she obtain the $500000 fee she won
through data PK?
07:34 pm //
After she improves the condition of interlobular fibers, we will send it to her
07:35 pm
You can definitely get it, right? 07:35 pm W
Of course, when did I slip my tongue?
07:35 pm
Okay, but I would like to ask the manager another bold question. Is this
really certain that she can receive the money for this purchase data in any
07:36 pm //
Yes, you have confirmed this issue with me countless times, Kamil. I said if
she can get it, she will definitely get it! Don't worry!
07:37 pm
Type a message
Okay, thank you for hosting! 07:38 pm
過去 31 日間
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根據這則訊息的內容,有幾個地方值得閱聽人特別留意或懷疑: 1. 對於「她」的胸部狀況的描述:訊息中提到了對某人胸部狀況的描述,但這樣的內容可能屬於不當的性別歧視或侵犯隱私的言論,閱聽人應該謹慎對待這樣的描述。 2. 關於獲得獎金的討論:訊息中提到了通過「資料PK」贏得的獎金,但並未提供清楚的背景或說明,閱聽人需要懷疑這樣的獲利方式是否合法或真實。 3. 管理者的承諾:訊息中管理者對於獲得獎金的承諾似乎缺乏具體的證據或保證,閱聽人應該謹慎對待這樣的承諾,並確保自己的權益不受損害。
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