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I am really shocked. It﹑s the only way I can put it, that India, which claims to be neutral and sympathetic, at least to the humanitarian crisis, is negotiating a deal with Russia for 12 Su-30 aircraft right now as we speak.
I am absolutely shocked. Not only that, the Financial Times, which is not an American newspaper, has said that this is going to be a rupee for ruble deal.
Now come on, you are accusing NATO of being weak. What is India doing?
I shall only respond to you very briefly to your unnecessary attack on India. I do not understand anymore and it's becoming frustrating that any discussion regarding this war becomes a discussion on India.
Well, I will say it one more time to you, Doug. India is going to take care of India. India is going to look after India's interests.
And our economy is growing three times the pace or four times the pace of the American economy. More and more Americans are living under the poverty line.
They are not able to make ends meet, right? And more and more Indians are rising economically.
And please, this is not our war, Doug. You are the ones with the bio labs in Ukraine. You are the ones, you know, Joe Biden's sons was doing all kinds of business in Ukraine.
You are vested in Ukraine. You are pushing Ukraine. You are encouraging Ukraine.
And yesterday, your president went and said, listen, Zelensky, if you want to give up territory, it's your choice.
Listen, Zelensky, if you want to break up your country and give a little bit of it to Russia, it's your choice.
You have hung the Ukrainians out to dry, Doug. And how dare you question India all the time? You've hung them out to dry.
You're just saying, you're just saying go fight to the last Ukrainian.
We've given them over two and a half billion dollars of assistance. How much have you guys given? The whole world considers Mr.
We've given humanitarian aid. It's your war. It's your war. We'd rather give them food than weapons.
By giving them weapons, you are driving them further down into greater disaster.
Biden is begging the Venezuelans to give him a little bit of extra oil, but he says that India is on shaky ground.
America fled for Afghanistan with an incompetence exhibited in frightening pictures of Afghans hanging onto the wheels of their transport aircraft.
But he says, no, India is being shaky about Ukraine. This is his war.
He started it and he needs to take both the responsibility and accountability for it.
America has absolutely no business, no business attacking us anymore.
When it is they who have provided the spark that's led to the bloodiest and most unending of all wars, America is a mess.
It's a complete mess.
And we made it clear to the Americans that the only corner that we are in is the Indian corner.
By refusing to ally completely with a shaky America, we have grown in stature and reestablished the core of our really independent foreign policy.
There's nothing shaky about it. There's something very decisive about it.
India will not clean up America's mess.
They have littered the whole world over the decades with their war machine.
It's their litter and they should clean it up.
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