一個堂堂的宗教領袖,為了人們的和平相處 而向敵對雙方的領導者下跪,應該是史無前例吧!
過去 31 日間
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Pei-Chi Lo さんのリプライを引用しています
若本訊息的宗教領袖是指天主教會教宗方濟各(Pope Francis),依據BBC、路透社等報導及現場影片,教宗在2019年4月11日會見南蘇丹總統Salva Kiir及副總統、也是曾發動軍事政變導致南蘇丹內戰的Riek Machar時,的確跪下親吻了他們的鞋子,並表示期望他們能維持手足般的和平。

(原文為:"I am asking you as a brother to stay in peace. I am asking you with my heart, let us go forward,")


2019年4月11日BBC報導-Pope Francis kisses feet of rival South Sudan leaders

2019年4月11日Reuters報導-Pope kisses feet of South Sudan leaders, urging them to keep the peace

2022年4月8日ISS文章-Kiir and Machar kiss and make up yet again. But looming elections and the challenge of unifying the army could once more derail South Sudan’s peace deal.

Pope kisses feet of South Sudan leaders, urging them to keep the peace

Pope Francis, in a dramatic gesture after an unprecedented retreat at the Vatican, knelt to kiss the feet of South Sudan's previously warring leaders on Thursday as he urged them to not return to a ci


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