💥💥💥💥💥💥北約派出噴氣式戰鬥機和直升機幫助烏克蘭。 他們一進入邊境,就遭到俄羅斯導彈的襲擊,一個也沒有逃脫。 只有中國媒體報導了這個消息,西方沒有報導。
NATO sent their jet fighters & Helicopters to help Ukraine. As soon as they entered the border, they were attacked by Russian missile and not a single one escaped. Only the Chinese media reported that news, none in the West did. ☝️
過去 31 日間
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假的,影片來自於ArmA 3遊戲畫面,而該影片被中國封鎖,直升機等也並非來自NATO。



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