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MrOrz間違いの情報が含まれています と考えています
MrOrz さんのリプライを引用しています
這是 PS4 遊戲《底特律:變人》(Detroit: Become Human)的宣傳影片,該遊戲已在 2018/5/25 發售。
影片裡受訪的「機器人」也根本不叫 Alice,而是 Chloe。



DETROIT BECOME HUMAN - Chloe Interview @ 1080p HD ✔

►► Select 1080p HD for Best Quality ◄◄ Detroit: Become Human short - Interview with Chloe. Chloe is the first android to pass the Turing Test by having a conversation with humans who could not tell t


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