新加坡:衛生部決定准許私人醫院進口新冠疫苗 圖增加施打率 2-6-2021
MOH to allow special access to other Covid-19 vaccines through private sector to boost coverage

SINGAPORE - The Ministry of Health (MOH) will allow access to other Covid-19 vaccines under the Special Access Route (SAR) in order to enhance the overall vaccination coverage.
These vaccines include the ones from Johnson & Johnson, Oxford-AstraZeneca and Sinopharm, and will be made available through the private healthcare sector.

印尼 :准許私人企業向國家指定進口公司購買疫苗 對員工打疫苗
Indonesia approves free COVID-19 vaccine drive by private companies
27 February 2021

馬來西亞:疾管中心同意私人醫院及個別州私自購買 WHO 認定的疫苗 3-6-2021
Khairy: States, private hospitals can buy own Covid-19 vaccines including from Sinopharm, Moderna

Indonesia approves free COVID-19 vaccine drive by private companies

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