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seriously i feel much better
thank you so much for your time
come on in guys
actor actress and models
they have such a beautiful posture
everybody want to know how to build posture
so that's i'm gonna blow your mind right now
ok let's do this ok come over here
first you put the back of the head against the wall
like this yes
now walk out a little bit ok
walk out to there
make the other foot meet now get your shoulders off
ok we're gonna hold this for one and a half minutes
slowly walk back
okay go all the way back
okay now let's walk forward
walk wow
i feel so light
i feel so light
and then i feel like my my chin can go up
like normally it's like this
never happened before in my entire life
every day i feel so heavy
yes look at the posture
look where your hands are now
you see seriously i feel much better
because you're teaching your body
yeah how to stand up straight
how do you think all these actors do this
when i teach them this
bang before the girls walk the runway
wow it's open
wow it's i love it
hahaha you're a model now
look how straight
how oh my gosh
you look so confident
過去 31 日間
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這則訊息中有一些需要特別留意的地方: 1. 訊息中提到的「美國隊長的健身教練」是否真的是美國隊長(Captain America)的健身教練,或者只是個人自稱如此,可能需要進一步查證。 2. 訊息中提到的「好萊塢女演員和超模的御用健身教練」是否真的有這樣的背景,也需要進一步確認。 3. 訊息中描述的體態矯正方法是否科學有效,以及是否適用於所有人,閱聽人在嘗試前應該謹慎評估。 4. 訊息中提到的「每天感覺如此沉重」、「從未在我一生中發生過」等誇張的描述,可能需要懷疑其真實性。 5. 最後提到的「攝影師小姐姐」試驗體態訓練法的情節,是否具有專業性或安全性,也值得關注。 總之,閱聽人在接收此訊息時,應保持懷疑的態度,並在需要時進一步查證或詢問專業意見。
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