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根據網路查核資料,此花其實是在聖誕節前後開花,所以有紐西蘭聖誕樹的名稱,在National Gardening Association或United States Department of Agriculture編制的植物資料庫中沒有發現任何提及Blood of Jesus Flower這個名稱的花。這張圖片中顯示的花很可能是 metrosideros excelsa,通常被稱為紐西蘭 pohutukawa 或紐西蘭聖誕樹。

Opinion Sources

metrosideros excelsa 的維基百科資源(英文)
Snopes fact check

Metrosideros excelsa - Wikipedia

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Botanical illustration of pōhutukawa by Ellen Cheeseman Metrosideros excelsa, commonly known as pōhutukawa,[2] New Zealand Christmas tree,[3][4] and iron

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