From trusted source in Hong Kong today:
“In our laboratory, we found trace amount of the virus on the skin of fruits and vegetables after 12 hours of being touched by another customer who was infected.

We recommend our staff to avoid salads. Do not eat the fruits within 48 hours of purchase, or pour some boiling water over the fruit before cutting. Berries, apples, cucumbers and tomatoes are the worst because some people eat the skin.

This explains why the virus is spreading faster in the west than asia. Most Asians do not eat salad and very few people eat the skin of any fruit.

We have to assume anything that comes from outside our home within 48 hours is infected. Shoes, clothes, our hair, all food.”
過去 31 日間
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Opinion Sources

美國食品藥品監督管理局(FDA)官網-請見「Q: Can I get sick with COVID-19 from touching food..or food contact surfaces, if the coronavirus was present on it?」

歐洲食品安全局(EFSA)2020年3月9日新聞稿-no evidence that food is a source or transmission route
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