
The hospital sent a message this morning that the Covid-19/delta mutant virus seems to be spreading rapidly through gasoline pumps, asking everyone to wear gloves or use paper towels when refueling and handling-please share. Please send it to everyone in your contact list. Don't leave this information to yourself. Make it available to all your family and friends
過去 31 日間
2 回のレビューがあります
この情報に 1 件のリプライがあります
vanillam間違いの情報が含まれています と考えています
vanillam さんのリプライを引用しています
Delta Variant Is NOT Spreading Through Gas / Petrol Pumps!
When the COVID-19 pandemic first started, gas / petrol pumps were identified as a potential source of COVID-19 spread.Hence, gas / petrol stations were advised to constantly wipe clean the buttons and handles of the consoles and pumps.
This new viral message is simply another FAKE STORY being circulated on social media, and here are the reasons, see below link.



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