轉發: 遇到事件,我覺得他的處理方式很好,跟大家分享,也提醒大家警覺!


一天晚上經過台大醫院教學部旁,看到一位女孩面色痛苦、略帶啜泣倒臥在牆邊,我過去問她還好嗎 ? 要不要幫她叫救護車 ?

她說不要,但請幫她打這支電話 (093xxxxx) 聯絡家人,由於之前不少詐騙社會新聞,我擔心用我的手機打,對方就會有我的資料、或者女方家屬會誣賴我是肇事者等等…..這類的理由,所以我不敢打;又由於臺大醫院就在旁邊,我跟她說我去通知醫院的人或打叫護車來好嗎?她又說不要,只重複說著:「請幫我打這支電話連絡我…..(她斷斷續續講)」然後她就昏倒了!









Encountering an incident, I feel that his handling was very good. I want to share it with everyone and remind everyone to be vigilant!

Here's what happened:

One evening, passing by the teaching department of National Taiwan University Hospital, I saw a girl lying by the wall with a painful expression, tears in her eyes. I approached her and asked if she was okay and if she needed me to call an ambulance for her.

She said no, but asked me to make a call (093xxxxx) to contact her family. Due to previous incidents of scams reported in the news, I was worried that if I used my phone, the other person would have my information, or the girl's family might falsely accuse me of being responsible, and so on. For these reasons, I didn't dare to make the call. Since National Taiwan University Hospital was right nearby, I suggested that I could inform the hospital staff or call an ambulance for her, but she refused and kept repeating, 'Please make this call to reach me...(she said this intermittently),' and then she fainted!

She fainted just like that!

I knew:
1. I wouldn't leave her unattended.
2. I didn't dare to touch her, fearing that someone nearby might suddenly come and accuse me of being responsible.

All of these thoughts flashed through my mind in a split second, and I immediately picked up my phone and called 119 for an ambulance. While I was on the phone with the ambulance personnel, she got up and ran away! She actually got up and ran away!

I had to tell the 119 personnel that the person who fainted had run away on her own, so there was no need for an ambulance. I apologized and thanked them.

Perhaps one day, you and I could both find ourselves in such a situation. Did you learn something from this?

Taiwan has changed; it's a complicated place!

Taiwan has changed; there are traps everywhere! We need to think carefully and act prudently!

Otherwise, trying to do good may lead to harm instead!"
過去 31 日間
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