Surprisingly, Tesla responded to our request for comment, telling us that it was “aware of the problem” and admitting that it affected “every Model 3, Y, S, and X going back to 2012.” The automaker insists it’s working on a software update and should be “rolling one out in the coming days”. As a temporary solution, Tesla introduced another software update on April 1st, allowing owners to remotely lock the steering wheel through the phone app.

Chu, however, says he won’t be bothering with the official fixes because he’s found a workaround involving another Pokemon card.

“Apparently, only Electric-type Pokemon cards let you unlock a Tesla, and in the Pokemon world, Electric-type cards like my lighting card are weak when faced with Ground-type moves,” Chu told us. “So I just make sure I place a Sandshrew card in my window every time I park up.”

Chu’s unorthodox workaround highlights the seriousness of the situation. While some might find humor in the Pokemon card detail, the ease of theft is concerning. Tesla needs a permanent fix – and fast. For any non-Pokemon-savvy enthusiasts reading this and thinking of grabbing cards at random in the hope of securing their cars, a word of caution from Chu.

“Just be very careful which card you pick,” Chu warned. “My friend first used the Gyarados card by mistake and it bricked her Model 3 harder than a ten-year-old’s Tamagotchi after a week-long school trip. She then panicked and tried the forbidden ice-type Melony card, and let’s just say her car went full Pikachu – sparking and everything. On the flipside she did say that applying the super-rare ice-type card massively improved her Tesla’s used value.”
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這則訊息中有幾個地方需要閱聽人特別留意或懷疑: 1. Tesla回應稱他們已經意識到問題,並且承認影響了所有從2012年開始生產的Model 3、Y、S和X車型。然而,這樣的問題是否真的存在,以及是否有官方消息來源證實這一點,值得進一步查證。 2. 文中提到Chu找到了一個與Pokemon卡片有關的解決方法,聲稱只有電屬性的Pokemon卡片才能解鎖特斯拉車輛。這樣的說法是否可信,需要更多的證據來支持。 3. Chu提到他的朋友使用了不同類型的Pokemon卡片,導致車輛出現問題。這些故事是否真實,或者只是幽默的虛構故事,需要進一步核實。 總的來說,這則訊息中包含了一些看似荒謬或不太可信的內容,閱聽人應該保持懷疑的態度,並嘗試尋找更多可靠的資訊來確認其中的真實性。
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