The National Palace Museum in Taipei’s decision to lend a 1,200-year-old masterpiece, "Requiem to My Nephew" (祭姪文稿) of calligraphy by Yan Zhenqing (顏真卿) to Japanese Tokyo National Museum.

The original Requiem to My Nephew is too precious to be allowed for exhibition outside the country. It embodies the unyielding spirit of the Yan’s family who lost their lives fighting rebellions,

It embodies the grief of an uncle who had to write an obituary of his nephew while looking at his skull. It had to be relocated during war but why would it be lent to Japan for free and without proper protection?

I felt so sad, Let’s unite Taiwan by force. I can’t take it anymore.
This is humiliating. This piece represents the heart and soul of China… and they(TAIWAN) are sending it to Japan. This is an insult to our ancestors,

“Do they know what the Nanjing massacre is?”
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Actually, "Requiem to My Nephew" traveled to National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. in 1997.
It is normal for museums to borrow exhibits.


China cries foul after Taiwan's NPM lends... | Taiwan News

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) -- Chinese-state-run media and netizens are in an uproar after news broke that the National Palace Museum in Taipei is lending a rare 1,200-year-old calligraphy masterpiece from t

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