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Focus Taiwan, the English branch of Taiwan﹑s central news agency, reported that Taiwan﹑s
government planned to attract foreign visitors by offering them vouchers worth 5,000 Taiwanese
dollars or approximately 160 U.S. dollars. The incentives would begin on May 1st and
run through 2025. Independent travelers who enter Taiwan with a foreign passport and stay
for 3 to 90 days will be eligible to register for the scheme. The tourism bureau said that
the registration must be completed before arriving in Taiwan on government websites,
which will be established in the near future, or at businesses that take part in the scheme.
The program, however, excludes travelers visiting Taiwan and organized tour groups.
500,000 tourists are part of a US$175 million campaign.
According to the bureau, half of the 500,000 new Taiwan dollars 5,000 vouchers will be
handed out this year to independent travelers who can win the vouchers and lotteries when
they arrive in the country at one of Taiwan﹑s four international airports. The winners will
be able to choose how they spend the 5,000 new Taiwan dollars, either in the form of
a pre-stored payment card or vouchers that can be used to pay for accommodation provided
by licensed hotels and private providers, such as homestays or B&Bs.
And now let﹑s take a look at today﹑s vocabulary from the article 5,000 Taiwanese
dollar vouchers for foreign tourists.
Number 1. Voucher. A printed piece of paper that can be used instead of money to pay for
something or that allows you to pay less than the usual price of something. Example,
this discount voucher entitles you to 10% off your next purchase.
Number 2. Incentive. Something that encourages you to do something. Example, there is no
incentive for people to save fuel.
Number 3. Scheme. A plan or system for doing or organizing something.
Example, under the new scheme, only successful schools will be given extra funding.
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