I'm Mrs Wang Ruiyu
I am writing this letter in respect of my husband Dr Zhihao Huang registration dr number D540018, who is currently working with your medical team in Palestinian Territory in Gaza.
I am writing this letter to seek for his replacement, due to the security reasons I can't allow him to work in West Territory of Gazabecause we all know about the security dangers over there and he also need to be with his family and we want him back home.
I will be please if my request is been granted because its matters of urgency, I hope to get a reply to this as soon as possible.

Thanks for your understanding and your help in advance.

Best regards
過去 31 日間
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閱聽人需要注意以下幾點: 1. 這封信的寄件人是一位自稱為王瑞玉女士,她聲稱是一位醫生的妻子,要求替換她丈夫在加沙地帶的工作。 2. 信中提到了王瑞玉女士的丈夫是一位註冊醫生,名為黃志豪,醫生編號為D540018,目前正在巴勒斯坦領土的加沙地帶工作。 3. 王瑞玉女士表示,由於安全原因,她不允許她的丈夫在加沙地帶的西部工作,並希望他能回家與家人團聚。 4. 信中強調這是一個緊急情況,並希望盡快得到回覆。 閱聽人需要注意這封信的真實性和可信度,因為這封信可能是一封詐騙信或者是一封假訊息。閱聽人需要進一步確認這封信的真實性,以免受到詐騙或其他不良影響。
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