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因為美國和台灣皆將於2024年舉行總統大選,可能會為中國創造採取軍事行動的機會。但是米尼漢(Mike Minihan)的看法不代表五角大廈,白宮拒絕對麥考爾的言論發表評論;美國眾議院軍事委員會首席民主黨議員亞當‧史密斯(Adam Smith)不同意米尼漢的評估,他認為與中國開戰不僅不是不可避免,而且可能性很小。

Opinion Sources




國際中心/綜合報導美國空軍機動司令部(AMC)司令米尼漢上將(Mike Minihan)稍早投下震撼彈,脫口「我希望我是錯的,但直覺告訴我,我們將於2025年開戰」。而與美國開戰的


2025年美國為台灣與中國開戰? 眾院外委會主席:可能性很高

美國空軍機動司令部指揮官米尼罕(Mike Minihan)示警,他認為美國和中國在2025年可能會因台灣爆發衝突,美國眾議院外交委員會共和黨籍主席麥考爾(Mike McCaul)認同米尼罕的說法,「我

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We're the ones provoking this war, just like we provoked the war in Ukraine. We are now provoking a war with China and who benefits? I'll tell you right now, your enemy is not China. Your enemy is not Russia. Your enemy is the military industrial complex, which has been fleecing this country to the tunes of hundreds of billions and trillions of dollars. How many times are we going to have a defense secretary say, hey, we can't account for $2 trillion in the Pentagon again, which has happened twice now in my life.
So again, people are being the war machine cannot be stopped. Who's running this country? The war machine. It certainly isn't Joe Biden making these decisions. I would like to know who is making the decisions. And I just want to remind everybody, the United States is the world's terrorists. We just set the Middle East on fire in the last 20 years. And now we're doing a proxy war in Ukraine, which we provoked, NATO provoked, and it was just admitted that we provoked it by the former prime minister of Germany. And now we're trying to save
a writer with with China and they're predicting a war. Again, China's not going to invade us. China's not our enemy. We might have an economic war. That's what these are. These are economic wars. These are wars for in Ukraine. It's about liquefied natural gas and making sure Germany and Russia never come together because we fear Russia's natural resources and manpower. And we fear them getting together with Germany with their technology and their capital. And so that's why we blew up the Nord Stream pipeline. That's why we're doing the Ukraine war. This
is all about hegemony, imperialism and economics. And if there's a marine somewhere, it's there because they're about to steal some natural resources from another country. As everybody's screaming about what a bad guy Putin is for invading Ukraine, the United States is currently occupying a third of Syria. And which third is that? It's the third that has the oil. And how do I know we're there to steal their oil? Because the president of the United States said so.

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