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網傳「自來水蒸食物致癌」 專家:不用擔心

網傳「自來水蒸食物致癌」 專家:不用擔心 | 蘋果日報


用開水蒸東西 ,北京宣武醫院齊教授的文章:蒸食物請一定要先開著蓋子把水燒開,再放入要蒸的食物,蓋上蓋子!難怪患癌症的人愈來愈多。用鍋蒸煮東西時,一定要用開水。因為如果直接用自來水,自來水有氯,再經過加熱後,由於鍋蓋是蓋著的,氯被全部包覆在食物上,所以一定要用煮沸過的開水或用已過濾掉氯的水來蒸東西。因為氯有致癌的危險。這真的很重要!即使只是蒸饅頭,都要有此常識。不要自私,讓更多的人看到。 這個以前真不知道,以後得記住了。希望所有朋友都健健康康,贈人玫瑰 手有餘香
Please be sure to forward:
Steaming things with boiling water, Beijing Xuanwu Hospital, Professor Qi article: steamed food, please be sure to open the lid to boil water, then add the food to steam, cover the lid! No wonder people suffering from cancer more and more. When cooking with a pot, be sure to use boiling water. Because if the direct use of tap water, tap water, chlorine, and then after heating, because the lid is covered, chlorine is all wrapped in food, so be sure to use boiled water or filtered chlorine water to steam thing. Because chlorine has the risk of cancer. This is really important! Even if only steamed bread, must have this knowledge. Do not be selfish, so that more people see. This really do not know before, have to remember. I hope all my friends are healthy and healthy, giving a rose hand fragrance

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