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Brandin Ko Yang さんのリプライを引用しています
文中提及:「第二種人:反覆做人工流產手術/反覆人工流產會使女性患乳腺癌症的可能性大增。一項研究表明,自然流產不增加患乳腺癌的危險性;而18歲以前做過人工流產的婦女,比沒有做過人工流產者高110%。」查無此項研究結果。反之,在《The Lancet》期刊中,Collaborative Group on Hormonal Factors in Breast Cancer有相反的發現:英國研究員審核83,000位墮胎或流產(自然流產)的婦女參與試驗,發現墮胎並不會明顯影響婦女日後發展出乳癌的風險。原論文結論寫道:"Pregnancies that end as a spontaneous or induced abortion do not increase a woman's risk of developing breast cancer. Collectively, the studies of breast cancer with retrospective recording of induced abortion yielded misleading results, possibly because women who had developed breast cancer were, on average, more likely than other women to disclose previous induced abortions."



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