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致人於死的「南美紅蜘蛛」(英文版叫arachnius gluteus)並不存於這個地球上,以「南美紅蜘蛛」為主題的謠言信,


The Spider under the Toilet Seat Hoax

網路追追追/公廁藏「紅蛛」 毒死3女人?

UCR Spiders Site: Internet Hoax

Blush spider Arachnius gluteus is a hoaxThe Spider under the Toilet Seat Hoax Updated December 2004 In September of 1999, an spider hoax started circulating on the internet about an alleged article


閱讀文章 - 精華區 NetRumor - 批踢踢實業坊

http://www.nownews.com/2002/11/09/10846-1373679.htm 網路追追追/公廁藏「紅蛛」 毒死3女人?  2002年11月9日 12:18 追追追小組/調查報導 「上公共廁所前,有沒有掀起馬桶蓋來看一看?小心病毒就在你身邊...三個女人已經喪 命...」」有沒有收過這樣貌似好心的警告信?這封以「南美紅蜘蛛」為主題的謠言信, 早在1999年以前就開始流

今大家注意😱😱😱 ❗ ❗ ❗ ⭕ ⭕ ⭕ 坐馬桶前 先掀座墊看清楚!!!!!
3個女人不約而同 的到醫院診療。全部都出現同樣的病症:發燒,發冷,嘔吐,然後肌肉萎縮,癱瘓, 到最後死去,他們沒有特別的創傷。
研究報考顯示,他們的血液裏有毒性。這3個女人各不相識,也沒有共? P點. 過後才發現,他們都有到過Jalan Kuchai Lama(in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia)的一家餐廳用餐。那家餐廳現在已被衛生局全面封鎖了。食物,食水,冷氣,統統都檢驗過,沒有任何的發現.
過後,他們在洗手間的坐廁盤! 下,找到一個小種的蜘蛛。那蜘蛛身上有帶雙紋。這蜘蛛具有很毒的毒性,要幾天才出現中毒的症狀。這蜘蛛喜歡隱藏在,暗,潮濕,廁所坐盤底下剛好就是它們作息的地方。

This attention to 😱😱😱 ❗ ❗ ❗, ⭕ ⭕ ⭕ sitting before lifting the toilet seat to see!!!!! 3 women bowed to hospital treatment. All the same symptoms: fever, chills, vomiting, and muscle atrophy, paralysis, and finally die, they have no specific trauma. Research candidates registered for the show, their blood is toxic. These 3 women did not know, nor a total? Point p. Later found that they had been to Jalan Kuchai Lama (in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia) of a restaurant. The restaurant has now been Board of health of a total blockade. Food, fresh water, air-conditioners, everything checked, no discovery. Until one day, the waitress got the same symptoms. He told the doctor, before her leave, returned checks, where she is not eating and drinking, just useful bathroom. After their toilet seat in the bathroom! To find a small species of spiders. The spider body with double lines. This spider has a toxicity of HIV, a few days before symptoms of poisoning. This spider like to hide in dark, wet, toilet sits just below where they rest. A few days later, a JBs lawyer also suffered from the same symptoms. Before he died, he told the doctor said his business took off in Indonesia, in Singapore. In the absence before returning to their home, hed been to that restaurant, its just that he has 3 womens symptoms, his right buttock showed signs of being stabbed. Investigations revealed that the aircraft took off from India. CAB command all Air India to search for all the aircrafts toilets, was found to have 4 of them from different aircraft toilet with this spider nest. Now believes that this spider has spread around the world. So, on to public toilets to be careful, open the toilet door, check for this type of spider. Please share this article, you can help others, can also save your own safety. 😥 😥} 😥}

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