Lin間違いの情報が含まれています と考えています
Lin さんのリプライを引用しています
假的,純屬詐騙廣告。無論國內或國外都是採用相同的手法,詢問你幾個問題,然後引導你最後去填相關資料,真的要小心釣魚網站騙取個資。關於這樣發生的原因,工程師表示或許是網站的「觸發 onclick 事件」、「網站推送通知」或是不小心被安裝程式控制了瀏覽器,電腦無論是使用 Chrome、IE、Firefox 甚至 Apple 的 Safari 都會發生這樣的事情,手機也會有一樣的狀況,


收到 Email 的通知連結

【假好康】手機跳出「祝賀!您被Google隨機選中」中獎視窗嗎?小心個資!你不會贏得 iPhone |MyGoPen

【假好康】手機跳出「祝賀!您被Google隨機選中」中獎視窗嗎?小心個資!你不會贏得 iPhone 有些人手機或瀏覽器突然跳出「祝賀!您被 Google 隨機選中」、「有機會贏得 iPhone 或其他 Google 獎品」這樣類似的中獎視窗,這在國外也有發生一模一樣的事情,還問你「誰創建的Google」、總部在哪、成立於幾年等問題要你回答,還倒數計時讓你很緊張。遇到這種狀況,請不

Notification Code: GB-75929JAN2018

This is an official notice to the winners selected in the Break-The-Bank January 2018 Draw held in Bolton, United Kingdom on Saturday, 27 January, 2018.

Participants of the Break-The-Bank program include a random selection of thousands of registered email addresses belonging to individuals located in the European Union and 23 countries globally. All email ID's were contributed by participating email providers. The winner selection was random using a Generating System which randomly selects a specified number of emails from the participating list simultaneously. Your email was included as one of the fortunate winners.

This program is funded and supported by various internet organizations, including major global email providers.

Amount Won: £875,320.00 British Pounds

Claim Location:
104 Bark Street,
Bolton BL1 2AX
Mon-Fri 10am-4pm | Sat 11am-3pm

Required documentation at Claim Location
* Bring a copy of this Notification, along with a valid Government Issued ID. A valid government issued photo identification (ID) includes a Driving License, National ID, or a Passport.

IMPORTANT: If for any reason you are unable to be present at the claim location to claim in person, an alternate arrangement can be made. MUST be for a valid reason (e.g. illness, disability or location).

Provide the information below via e-mail to: [email protected]
The subject of your email should be your full name and the notification code.

* Reason:
* Alternate Email (if any):
* Your Full Names (as on your Driving License, National ID, or Passport):
* Your Date of Birth:
* Your Complete Mailing Address Street, City, State and Country (only provide if you reside outside the United Kingdom):
* Your Preferred Contact Method - Email or Phone (indicate phone number/email and if you would like to be contacted by phone please state the best time to reach you):

**** This is a system-generated email ****
1 other reply

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