奧義叉燒検証の範囲外 と考えています
奧義叉燒 さんのリプライを引用しています
3/9/2022 剛收到烏克蘭召會最後一刻的要求:


今晚,俄羅斯聯邦精銳特種部隊將與車臣軍隊一起將向世界上最古老、最美麗的城市之一:東歐的精神之都基輔市發起進攻。 街頭民兵已經在基輔準備開戰,每個可以持槍的人都在保衛首都,甚至包括領養老金的老人、學生和學童。

今天晚上和明天很關鍵,關鍵是整個文明世界迄今為止所相信和建造的一切。 我們眼含淚水,懇請您,無論您身處那個時區,都要在這段時間裡禁食向神禱告。 求主保護我們免受那些想要嘲笑神的信仰和真理的瘋子的傷害。




3/9/2022 Just received
Last minute request from the Church in Ukraine:

Dear friends, brothers and sisters from all parts of our world. We turn to you at this dark moment for all of us, when dark clouds of explosions obscure the sun over our capital. Tonight, the elite special forces of the Russian Federation, together with Chechen troops, will attack one of the oldest and most beautiful cities in the world, the spiritual capital of Eastern Europe - the city of Kiev. Street brigades are already underway in Kiev, and the capital is defended by everyone who can wield a gun, even pensioners, students and schoolchildren.

The next night and tomorrow are critical, all that is at stake is everything the entire civilised world has believed in and built so far. With tears in our eyes, we ask you, no matter what time zone you are in, to spend all this time fasting and praying to God. Pray to the Lord to protect us from the hordes of madmen who want to mock God's faith and truth.

Please send this message to all your friends, family and friends in Europe, Asia, America and all over the world!

Prayer is stronger than the strongest enemy!

With love and hope in the Lord.
Your brothers and sisters from Ukraine。
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