Lopez個人の意見が含まれています と考えています
Lopez さんのリプライを引用しています
歐盟並沒有肯定的說瘦肉精會有副作用。歐盟的正式立場是決定 MRL=10ppb 的資料不夠完整,不足以確定人體健康不受危害。
The European Union's risk assessment body, the European Food Safety Authority, has concluded that there is insufficient data upon which to make a proposal for MRLs for ractopamine and that thereby risks to human health cannot be ruled out. Given its outstanding safety concerns, the European Union's current legislation will remain in place.

Opinion Sources

https://www.pig333.com/latest_swine_news/statement-by-the-eu-on-ractopamine_6031/ (2012)

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