uienwt間違いの情報が含まれています と考えています
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假的。美國科學家William Haseltine並非研究作者。傳言指出的「導致病毒傳染力暴增10倍以上」並非出自於研究內容,而是《CNN》報導中採訪了美國科學家William Haseltine對於研究的口頭評論。此謠言將其他科學家對於研究的口頭評論,誤導成研究內容的結論。



【部分錯誤】網傳訊息宣稱「研究證明:Covid-19 已產生為名爲“D614G”的突變...導致病毒傳染力暴增10倍以上」?


一個非常不妙的消息,美國頂尖「斯克里普斯研究中心」一項研究證明:Covid-19 已經有一部份的病毒🦠,突變生爲“D614G”病毒,會使🦠更容易入侵人體的“鑰匙”數量增加且形態更穩定,導致病毒傳染力暴增10倍以上,美國病毒權威William Haseltine認爲這是重大發現、這也是科學家最近懷疑,為什麼美國及南美洲國家的確診感染人數暴增原因⋯⋯

Be sure to wear a mask!
A very bad news. A study by the top American "Scripps Research Center" proves that Covid-19 has a part of the virus 🦠, and the mutation becomes the "D614G" virus, which will make 🦠 more likely to invade the human body. The increase in the number of "keys" and the more stable form has caused the virus's infectivity to surge more than 10 times. American virus authority William Haseltine believes this is a major discovery. This is why scientists have recently suspected that the number of confirmed infections in the United States and South American countries has soared. ...

In the future, regardless of whether there is a vaccine, please do not let your family members go out without wearing a mask, and please do not let your family members go to crowded places, and do not touch your eyes, nose and food without washing your hands! 🤷‍♂️
Please stay alert and don't slacken off because of the long time...

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