Zzzz間違いの情報が含まれています と考えています
Zzzz さんのリプライを引用しています
1.美國FDA《進口警示 99-33 》文件確實存在,
2.99-33 號文件列入管制之日本農漁牧產品,範圍僅及於「有實證可能受到汙染」者,並非「日本全國」或「所有同類產品」。且文件經過三十餘次更新調整,管制項目持續減少。




【錯誤】網傳「美國2019年01月01日起禁止日本核汙染食品進入美國」? 網傳「經美國國會同意,決定於2019年01月01日起在美國頒布實施:美利堅合眾國(國字2018第99-33)進口警示,禁止下列日本食品進入美國:鮮奶、黃油、奶粉、嬰兒奶粉、、蔬菜、大米、魚類、肉類和禽類、蛤蜊類、海膽、、、。原因是核污染」,經查: 一、訊息中所稱之美國FDA《進口警示 99

一星期前美國法例己生效: . 🎯美國食品药品管理局FDA 7月28日2015 (2016年10月17日更新)發佈的第99-33進口警示,禁止下列
❌原因是核污染 (Radionuclide contamination)。 日本终於承認無能力控制福島每日排放數百萬噸輻射廢水不斷流入 太平洋,已導致多人患上
💢美國的臨海中被發現到放射性數值越來越高。 盡量能不去日本最好不要去。
目前日本的狀况比我們想像的還嚴重,全日本领土的🎯70以上被污染。 🎯日本的放射性物質已經向海洋流入,而且受影響的海洋面積越來越廣。 它的嚴重超過想像,日本政府怕帶來恐慌,他們會放棄或者謊言來告知周邊人。
日本的海鮮,菇類都不要飲食。 上次地震之後,損壞的日本核能發電廠的放射性物質開始流入的海洋或者周邊, 開始發現
🅾白血病等, 特别是對幼兒,
🅾孕婦會有更大的影響。 周邊國家已經停止了與日本的海鮮貿易。

從現在開始,千萬不要飲食日本的海鮮或生魚片。自日本海嘯核爆炸以來,去日本旅遊、并多次食用日本食品的我國旅日遊客調查顯示,有不同程度怪異疾病,并在上升中!而日本受放射核污染的本土產品全部供應國外遊客 !

親愛的朋友們! 為了親人、朋友和我們同胞的健康,請分享到你的空間裡,大家會感謝你的!(請轉發出去救救我們的同胞)

This is a post from a classmate of my daughter in the United States. 🎯 At first thought it was a rumor. Check it out. It was a notice from the FDA on December 29th.
United States law in force a week ago 🎯 The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) July 28, 2015 (updated on October 17, 2016) issued the Import Alert 99-33, which prohibits the following
🅾 Japanese food enters the united states:
📎 milk
📎 butter
📎 Milk powder
📎 Infant milk powder and other
📎 Vegetables and other products
📎 rice
📎 Whole wheat;
📎 Fish;
📎 Meat and poultry;

💢 Disease has seriously affected the global human and ecological environment, I really can not imagine!
❌ Dont eat Japanese food.
💢 In the U.S., higher levels of radioactivity have been found in the sea. Try not to go to Japan.
💢 Australian Government Stops Japanese Issuance of Permits,
💢 The United States also stopped the American immigrants of the Japanese.
The current situation in Japan is even worse than we thought. All of Japans territory 🎯} Over 70 contaminated. 🎯} Its more serious than imagining, and the Japanese government is afraid of causing panic, they will give up or lie to tell the people around them.
Japanese seafood, mushrooms do not eat. After the last earthquake, the damaged radioactive material from the Japanese nuclear power plant began to flow into or around the oceans and began to be discovered
❌} Malformed seafood and plants
❌} Mutant mushrooms
❌} Mutated fish,
❌} Mutated seafood is exposed to radioactive substances in foods that are induced within 1-2 years after the diet
🅾} esophageal cancer
🅾} lymphoma
🅾} Leukemia, etc., especially in young children,
🅾} Pregnant women have a greater impact. The neighboring countries have stopped the seafood trade with Japan.
Imported from Japan 📎 herring, 📎 conch, 📎 shiitake , an edible mushroom
Japans capture of fish in the vicinity of the sea is 380 times more radioactive.

From now on, never eat Japanese seafood or sashimi. Since the Japanese tsunami nuclear explosion, the Japanese tourist survey of Chinese tourists who traveled to Japan and ate Japanese food several times has revealed that there are strange diseases of varying degrees and are on the rise!

Dear friends! For the sake of the health of our relatives, friends and our fellow countrymen, please share your space and everyone will thank you!

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