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不建議太依賴單一營養素,長庚醫院主治醫師江坤俊指出,當今流行病學理論的研究顯示,血液中維生素D的濃度越高,罹癌機率較低,但是如果發生維生素D過量的問題,除了減少維生素D攝取、控制血鈣以外,醫師也可能藉由靜脈輸液和其他藥物來控制病情。在開始使用維他命D營養補充品前,仍建議向醫師諮詢討論,才能獲得最大的功效並避免傷身。 要從營養補充品來獲取維生素 D 的話,以一般成人一天建議攝取大約 400- 1,000 單位 的維生素 D 就很足夠了。超過這個建議量的攝取,對於預防疾病的證據力還不夠,而且真的攝取過量也會造成高血鈣的、軟組織鈣化。

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防曬會導致維生素 D 不足?維生素 D 該怎麼補充?醫師營養師教你 5 關鍵取得平衡!

如果沒有做好防曬,短時間內會讓皮膚變黑,長期可能會加速外觀的老化。但如果因為怕黑或怕光老化而過度防曬的話,也可能會帶來不好的影響,例如是否會因為過度防曬而造成體內維生素 D 缺乏?今天 MedPartner 團隊的醫師跟營養師就要來幫大家做這個功課,讓大家除了知道該怎麼做,同時也能理解為什麼這樣做比較合理。



維他命D功效:補鈣顧骨質、抗發炎、防癌 美國佛羅里達州執業註冊營養師 Megan Ware 指出,維生素D具有以下好處: 促進骨骼、牙齒健康:維生素D是控制鈣質吸收、維持鈣磷平衡的重要物質,缺乏維生素D可能與佝僂症、軟骨症、骨質流失、骨質疏鬆都有關。 對於免疫系統、大腦與神經系統有益。 有助調節胰島素濃度與糖尿病控制。 協助維持肺功能與心血管健康。 影響與癌症相關的

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vitamin D isn't a vitamin per se, it's a pro-hormone that our body will make in the spring and summer months when we get our sunshine and in the fall in the winter this is where I got controversial as well I said look there's really no such thing as flu and cold season there's just low vitamin D season and it's a little hyperbolic but even a study by Dr. Martino that came out a couple years ago said look if your vitamin D levels are normal your propensity to get the flu or cold is cut by half and then if you do get one your
symptoms and severity are cut by half as well so it's out there in the medical literature and but normal vitamin D levels decrease cancer risks in about 17 different cancers decrease death from coronary disease decrease problems with osteoporosis decrease viral infections decrease clotting disorders so many things that vitamin D does because it's an essential part of our pathophysiology
so I spoke out about this and I said look if we can get our vitamin D levels up our chances of being severe with COVID are far less well Mayo Clinic did a study and said if your vitamin D is above 30 your chance of being in the ICU was cut by a huge percentage and then if it was below 30 and below 20 then that was your high percentage chance of getting intubated so we we had signals early on it's vitamin D is like the conductor of a fine symphony and it tells your body
this section come in that section tune out this section come in and come in at mezzo forte and at forte and go down to piano so vitamin D is that conductor of immune of our immune system now you've heard about the cytokine storm from the which people have passed if your vitamin D is insufficient your immune system is more like the mosh pit at a punk rock concert ping ping ping crashing together and not having that signal to turn on or turn off so vitamin D is this fantastic conductor
of orderliness in our immune responses and every nucleus on every cell in your body has a receptor for vitamin D so as a pathologist that's one who studies patterns I tried to share this message of how important this is for our overall immune health.

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