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Pei-Chi Lo さんのリプライを引用しています



Opinion Sources

2008年《Lakartidningen(瑞典醫學雜誌)》-The anatomy of the soul--does it exist?

2009年《加拿大醫學史公報》-Medicine and the science of soul:

2009年《神經外科期刊》-The anatomic location of the soul from the heart, through the brain, to the whole body, and beyond: a journey through Western history, science, and philosophy:

2017年《整合心理與行為科學期刊》-The Soul, as an Uninhibited Mental Activity, is Reduced into Consciousness by Rules of Quantum Physics:


Medicine and the science of soul - PubMed

Central to Don Bates's thesis about the role of medicine in the Scientific Revolution is the Greek concept of psyche. This article explores this connection in relation to Galen. Paradoxically, Galen d


The anatomic location of the soul from the heart, through the brain, to the whole body, and beyond: a journey through Western history, science, and philosophy - PubMed

Our work enriches our shared understanding of the soul by describing some of the key formulations regarding the nature and location of the soul by philosophers, theologians, and physicians. In doing s


The Soul, as an Uninhibited Mental Activity, is Reduced into Consciousness by Rules of Quantum Physics - PubMed

This paper is an effort to describe, in neuroscientific terms, one of the most ambiguous concepts of the universe-the soul. Previous efforts to understand what the soul is and where it may exist have


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