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影片畫面為2020年墨西哥的Acapulco Bay濱海渡假區未經處理的污水被排放。

- 以“Acapulco Bay wastewater”在YouTube搜尋,可以看到2020年許多墨西哥民眾拍攝上傳污染水、廢水排放影片。該區為墨西哥著名的海濱度假區,影片中也可以看到許多戶外泳池和快艇。

- 路透社也有報導此新聞,內文提到”官員表示初步調查是這幾天造成附近水災的大雨使得原本就就超載的排水管負擔更大,因此導致未處理污水被排出。“ 。原文: “State officials said that initial reports indicate that the discharge may have been related to a problem with overflowing sewers potentially made worse by heavy rainfall in recent days which has caused flooding in several Acapulco neighborhoods.” (資料:路透社2020/7/1)



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