I had a discussion with my mom today, and she decided to send me some money whenever I wanted because she understood that we were not allowed to access our account until the project was completed . So she has a Taiwan account, and her will need a Taiwan account to transfer it to because she only understands Taiwan banking more, so she has been using this account , so I told her I will asked you to give me your account so my mom can send me whenever I ask for it 😊 maybe for some medication or something 😉
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2020-01-10 03:19「星巴克新年禮抽獎」活動真的假的?請小心!官方沒有舉辦這類活動!近期陸續發現詐騙集團以「星巴克新年禮抽獎」名義,蒐集消費者個資,甚至要求掃描 LINE QR Code 加入LINE 好友。 目前看到的詐騙關鍵字有 「限量...詐騙集團又以「星巴克」名義對外蒐集消費者個資詐騙手法,請小心!賽道狂人、冰雪奇緣2線上看?LINE帳號恐遭登入盜用看更多


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